
Artist | Writer | Voice Actor | Programmer


Hello, my name is Pittoo (called "Pi" by some) and I'm an artist!

If you'd like to commission me, feel free to take a look at my info! I take art and writing commissions, so whichever floats your boat, honestly.

I can draw in a variety of art styles, so hopefully you'll consider me!

I'm also in several fandoms. These being Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Super Smash Bros., and a whole lot more! Just ask. That said, I'm also interested in fighting games and I play Smash a lot in my free time. (I'm a Pit/Dark Pit main who dabbles a bit in Cloud and Richter.)

I also sell merch, but my merch shop is still in progress. In the mean time, please refer to my commissions page!

My pronouns are they/them, so please do respect them!

I really love Bede from Pokemon.


Twitter is my main source of communication, so please DM me if you need anything. Otherwise, I also have an email address.

Email Address:
[email protected]